Documents that can be Apostilled by DFAT without being Notarised
Original Australia Government issued documents, original Australia academic documents or documents notarised by a Notary Public can generally be Apostilled by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) without being notarised first.

Please see details and any specific requirements for each document type below.

AFP National Police Certificate
Original hard copy AFP National Police Certificates can be Apostilled by DFAT without being notarised first.

Please note that DFAT are unable to Apostille the digital version of the AFP National Police Certificates. Changes to the encryption and security features of the new AFP Digital National Police Certificate means the new digital certificate cannot be printed. As the certificate cannot be printed, it cannot be stamped with an Apostille by DFAT.

If you are sending an AFP National Police Certificate overseas and you need to have the certificate Apostilled or notarised, then you must order the hard copy certificate from the AFP. If you have only received a digital copy of the AFP National Police Certificate then you can call the AFP and request that they send you the hard copy certificate.

If you would like to keep the original hard copy AFP National Police Certificate and have a copy of the certificate Apostilled, a copy of the certificate must be notarised by an Australia Notary Public before it can be stamped with an Apostille by DFAT. DFAT will not accept a copy of the certificate certified by a Justice of the Peace or other authorised witnesses. Please note that because of the encryption and security features of the new AFP Digital National Police Certificate as noted above, you will need to order the hard copy certificate from the AFP before it can be notarised.

Australia University or TAFE Degree or Transcript

Original degrees or transcripts issued by Australia universities and TAFE institutions can be Apostilled by DFAT without being notarised first. However, please note that in order for DFAT to accept an academic document for Apostille, the academic document must first be verified with the issuing institution.

Verification of the academic document with the issuing institution can be completed by email or through the institution's online document authentication system such as My eQuals (www.myequals.edu.au). The academic document verified by the issuing institution must exactly match the document to be Apostilled by DFAT (including the date of issue, format etc). Evidence that the academic document has been verified by the issuing institution is then presented to DFAT at the time of the Apostille appointment.

If you do not want a mark on your original academic document or you want to keep your original academic and only send a copy of the academic document overseas, then you will need to have a copy of the academic document notarised by an Australia Notary Public for DFAT to issue an Apostille. Copies of academic documents notarised by an Australia Notary Public also need to be verified by the university. There is specific wording that the Notary Public must use when they notarise a copy of an academic document. The Notary Public must state that "The original record has been verified with the issuing institution". A statement by a Notary Public that the document is a "true copy" does not satisfy this verification. DFAT will also not accept copies of academic documents certified by a Justice of the Peace or other authorised witnesses.

Other University or TAFE issued documents such as Enrolment letters will need to be notarised by an Australian Notary Public for DFAT to issue an Apostille.

Australia Primary or Secondary School Academic Document
Original academic documents issued by public or private primary and secondary schools in Australia can only be Apostilled by DFAT if:

- Verified and signed by an authorised officer from the relevant State or Territory government education body; or
- Notarised by an Australia Notary Public.

Verification of the academic document with the issuing institution is completed by email. The academic document verified by the issuing institution must exactly match the document to be Apostilled by DFAT (including the date of issue, format etc). Evidence that the academic document has been verified by the issuing institution is then presented to DFAT at the time of the Apostille appointment.

DFAT cannot Apostille academic documents signed only by the school administration. If the academic document is not verified and signed by an authorised officer from the relevant State or Territory government education body, then an Australia Notary Public can notarise it for you before presenting it to DFAT for an Apostille. DFAT will accept the copy notarised by the Notary Public.

Australia Birth Certificate
Original Australia Birth Certificates can be Apostilled by DFAT without being notarised first.

However, it is likely that you will want to keep your original birth certificate and have a copy of the birth certificate Apostilled. The copy of the birth certificate must be notarised by an Australia Notary Public before it can be stamped with an Apostille by DFAT. DFAT will not accept a copy of a birth certificate certified by a Justice of the Peace or other authorised witnesses.

Australia Citizenship Certificate
Original Australia Citizenship Certificates can be Apostilled by DFAT without being notarised first.

If you would like to keep the original citizenship certificate and have a copy of the citizenship certificate Apostilled, the copy of the citizenship certificate must be notarised by an Australia Notary Public before it can be stamped with an Apostille by DFAT. DFAT will not accept a copy of a citizenship certificate certified by a Justice of the Peace or other authorised witnesses.

Australia Court Documents
Original Australia Court Documents can be Apostilled by DFAT without being notarised first.

If you would like to keep the original court document and have a copy of the court document Apostilled, the copy of the court document must be notarised by an Australia Notary Public before it can be stamped with an Apostille by DFAT. DFAT will not accept a copy of a court document certified by a Justice of the Peace or other authorised witnesses.

Australia Death Certificate
Original Australia Death Certificates can be Apostilled by DFAT without being notarised first.

If you would like to keep the original death certificate and have a copy of the death certificate Apostilled, the copy of the certificate must be notarised by an Australia Notary Public before it can be stamped with an Apostille by DFAT. DFAT will not accept a copy of a death certificate certified by a Justice of the Peace or other authorised witnesses.

Australia Divorce Certificate
Original Australia Divorce Certificates can be Apostilled by DFAT without being notarised first.

If you would like to keep the original divorce certificate and have a copy of the divorce certificate Apostilled, the copy of the certificate must be notarised by an Australia Notary Public before it can be stamped with an Apostille by DFAT. DFAT will not accept a copy of a divorce certificate certified by a Justice of the Peace or other authorised witnesses.

Australia Marriage Certificate
Original Australia Marriage Certificates can be Apostilled by DFAT without being notarised first. However, please note that DFAT cannot Apostille ceremonial marriage certificates.

If you would like to keep the original marriage certificate and have a copy of the marriage certificate Apostilled, the copy of the death certificate must be notarised by an Australia Notary Public before it can be stamped with an Apostille by DFAT. DFAT will not accept a copy of a marriage certificate certified by a Justice of the Peace or other authorised witnesses.

Australia Single Status or Record of No Result Certificate
Original Australia Single Status or Record of No Result Certificates can be Apostilled by DFAT without being notarised first.

If you would like to keep the original Australia Single Status or Record of No Result Certificate and have a copy of the certificate Apostilled, the copy of the certificate must be notarised by an Australia Notary Public before it can be stamped with an Apostille by DFAT. DFAT will not accept a copy of a Australia Single Status or Record of No Result Certificate certified by a Justice of the Peace or other authorised witnesses.

Australia Certificate of Residency issued by the Australia Taxation Office (ATO)
Original Australia Certificate of Residency can be Apostilled by DFAT without being notarised first.

If you would like to keep the original Certificate of Residency and have a copy of the certificate Apostilled, the copy of the certificate must be notarised by an Australia Notary Public before it can be stamped with an Apostille by DFAT. DFAT will not accept a copy of a Certificate of Residency certified by a Justice of the Peace or other authorised witnesses.

ASIC Certificates of Registration of a Company
ASIC Certificates of Registration of a Company can be Apostilled by DFAT without being notarised first.

ASIC Company Extract
ASIC Company Extracts, including current and historical company extracts, must be notarised by an Australia Notary Public first before DFAT will issue an Apostille.

Fingerprint Report issued by the Australia Criminal Intelligence Commission
Original Fingerprint Reports issued by the Australia Criminal Intelligence Commission can be Apostilled by DFAT without being notarised first. Please note that DFAT are unable to Apostille digital versions of the Fingerprint Reports. The Fingerprint Report must be a hard copy original.

If you would like to keep the original Fingerprint Report and have a copy of the report Apostilled, the copy of the report must be notarised by an Australia Notary Public before it can be stamped with an Apostille by DFAT. DFAT will not accept a copy of the report certified by a Justice of the Peace or other authorised witnesses.

State or Territory Police Certificate
Original State or Territory Police Certificates can be Apostilled by DFAT without being notarised first.

If you would like to keep the original State or Territory Police certificate and have a copy of the certificate Apostilled, the copy of the certificate must be notarised by an Australia Notary Public before it can be stamped with an Apostille by DFAT. DFAT will not accept a copy of a State or Territory Police Certificate certified by a Justice of the Peace or other authorised witnesses.

Documents already Notarised by a Notary Public
DFAT can Apostille any documents notarised by an Australia Notary Public, provided the notaries signature and seal is recognised by DFAT. Our Notary Public is recognised by DFAT.

NAATI Translated Documents
Documents translated by a NAATI certified translator can be Apostilled by DFAT without being notarised first, provided the NAATI translated document meets current DFAT requirements. The DFAT requirements for translated documents are available on the DFAT smartraveller website.

Any other documents

Any other documents not listed above must be notarised by an Australia Notary Public before DFAT will issue an Apostille.

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