Apostille for an Australian Police Certificate Check AFP

Swift Apostille
August 2024
5 min read

Apostille for an Australian Police Certificate Check

We can have your digital or hard-copy AFP National Police Certificate stamped with an Apostille.

The fastest option is to have a digital AFP police certificate Apostilled by DFAT because digital certificates:

  • are sent directly to your email address by the AFP as soon as the application is finalised by the AFP;
  • we can print the digital AFP police check for you. There is no need to deliver any hard-copy document to us; and
  • the original source email can be forwarded to Swift Apostille for verification purposes.

You can select your preferred option in the booking form. If you select digital police check, we will print the police check for you for Apostille. If you select physical police check, simply express post the hard-copy certificate to us. If you are requesting a Police Certificate from the AFP solely for the purpose of sending it to another country and you would like the hard-copy certificate Apostilled, you can ask the AFP to send the Police Certificate directly to us to speed up the Apostille process.

Irrespective of whether you select digital or physical, in both instances you will receive a hard-copy Apostilled document.

What is the difference between a digital and physical Police Check?

Both digital and physical police certificates are accepted overseas. Below are the two different types of police certificates issued by the AFP.

Digital Police Check Apostille

Physical Police Check

What is a National Police Certificate?

A National Police Check is a summary of any offending of the person in Australia. The Police Certificate lists 'disclosable court outcomes' including:

  • local and interstate criminal and traffic court outcomes
  • outstanding warrants
  • pending charges, where a person has been charged with an offence but has not yet been to court.

Police Certificates are often required to be sent overseas for:

  • job applications and onboarding
  • volunteer and not-for-profit organisations
  • working with children
  • licensing or registration applications
  • work-related checks
  • Australian citizenship and permanent residence applications
  • visa applications
  • working overseas.

How to apply for an AFP National Police Certificate

You can apply for a National Police Certificate from the Australian Federal Police (AFP) website: Apply for a National Police Certificate. You will need to provide your details, such as name and date of birth, the purpose of the police check and identification documents.

How Swift Apostille can help?

We can obtain an Apostille Certificate Stamp from DFAT for your AFP National Police Certificate check. This is the fastest service in Australia as we attend DFAT daily for clients - no DFAT appointment required. We manage the application and appointment process with DFAT from start to finish. To book online instantly, follow this link.

Please note that these guides are intended to provide a general guide and information and should not be relied upon as legal or other professional advice.

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