How long does it take to get an Apostille in Australia?

Swift Apostille
August 2024
5 min read

How long does it take to get an Apostille in Australia?

The current wait times for a DFAT appointment in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane are lengthy:

  • Sydney: 6 weeks
  • Melbourne: 3 weeks
  • Brisbane: 3 weeks

The timeframe for DFAT to issue an Apostille is longer if the documents are posted by mail to DFAT.

Why is the Swift Apostille service so fast?

Swift Apostille attends DFAT daily for clients. Swift Apostille will attend DFAT for you the same day we receive your document (and all required information) and express post the Apostilled document to you free of charge anywhere in Australia. The DFAT processing time for Apostilles is 3 business days.

How do I book the Apostille service?

You can book our Apostille Service online instantly anytime by following this link. More information about our Apostille Service is available here.

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Please note that these guides are intended to provide a general guide and information and should not be relied upon as legal or other professional advice.

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